Monday, July 12, 2010

My Little Girl is Home

The loss of a pet is never easy. You can prepare yourself, if they are sick or getting up in years, but I'm not sure it ever helps. Now, I have lost a beloved pet before but this one was different. Every one of them got individual attention and I spent every day playing with and taking care of all of them, but this one was different.

She was a sick little girl for most of her life and required round the clock attention for everything. She was my job for 8 years, my every thought revolved around her, our way of life changed with her ever-changing needs. And then...she was gone. I felt like I had been given the ultimate pink slip, my job had been taken from me and it was a job I loved.

A few years before, I had been introduced to a woman whom I have never met in person, but a woman who would become one of the most important people to me in these situations. She has become a listening ear and someone who can explain things in a way that it makes me feel like everything would be o.k. She ultimately would bring my babies back home to me in a way that no one else could. For that, I will never forget her and appreciate her for her amazing gifts.

Without much explanation or alot of talking about what each dog has been like, she has been able to paint the most beautiful pictures of my Max and Maca that has captured the absolute essence of each of them and has "brought them home" again. She captures the light in their eyes, little pieces of their personalities and paints a picture so real, I find myself kissing them hello in the morning.

Kathie, you are truly one of a kind and I am so proud to say I know you and to call you my friend. I will never forget what you have done for my heart and mind!

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