Sunday, March 14, 2010

The classes begin

First day of class and let's meet the participants.

There is Coco. A lovely young lady with ridiculously long legs. You know, the kind that go on for days and most men drool over. She says she is here to further her knowledge of the arts and looks like she could be the star of the class but she seems a little stuck up. Next is Gigi. Cute as a button, she tells us she just thought it sounded like fun. She seems like she could be everybodies best friend. Next to Gigi is a very short girl named Maxi. She's bow-legged and seems to be very shy. She says she's here because someone told her this was a great place to meet guys. Next is Madeline. Let's just say she has a very pretty face but is a little butch. She's not really willing to tell us why she's here except that someone told her she needed to be more "girly".

Over in the corner are 2, only 2 men. The first one introduces himself as Milo. He's a little on the chunky side but cute. He says he's here because he just loves to dance. Last but not least is Peanut. He is just adorable with a dancers body only a little small. He's here to pick up girls and make friends. I guess when they were giving out nicknames, Mr. Peanut was at the end of the line. Then there's me. A tall, not quite skinny woman who has done alot of dancing in her life.

Why am I here, you ask? I, apparently, am the teacher. Or...........

See, these students aren't people as much as they are 5 chihuahuas and a Jack Russell Terror! And I, their confidante, mother, best friend, maid, cook, stylist, couturier.............